Gym Comeback After Hiatus: 5 Tips For a Faster Return

 This past week I had to take about eight days off from the gym due to an injury. In fact, I was in so much pain, I couldn't even walk the dogs for several days. The thing is, I knew that when I got back into the gym to train, that rather than come back stronger after a long rest, that I would actually come back weaker. This meant I had to create a 'gym comeback after hiatus' plan. It’s very common to lose muscle when you take time off. Again, I’m not talking about a rest day. To come back stronger, sometimes a rest day is in order. But when you have to take a week or more off due to injury or vacation, it is only natural to lose muscle and strength.

Here are some tips to make a gym comeback after a hiatus to help you get back on track as quickly as possible.

Gym comeback after hiatus, tip 1 - Don't be discouraged:

 Firstly, don't be discouraged. Like I said above, it’s natural to lose strength after a hiatus. This week when I returned to the gym, I was down about a plate across the board. That isn't too terrible. And I will probably be back on track in a week or two, but it still feels discouraging. The thing is, if I had not taken the break it could have ended up much worse.

Gym comeback after hiatus, tip 2 - Stay active:

 Try to stay active. If you can, try to make sure you aren't sedentary during your break. Now, if you have an injury and really can't be active, then that is understandable. I also encourage you to check out this article on how to recover from any injury fast. But, if you are on vacation, try and get out and hike. And, even if you are injured, unless it is an injury where you can't walk, try and move around. Go for a walk, or do some foam rolling and stretching. Keeping your muscles loose, and your endurance up, will help you to come back stronger when you do get back into the gym to hit the weights. 

Gym comeback after hiatus, tip 3 - Consume more protein:

 Protein takes more calories to digest than carbs or fats. However, it also helps your muscles recover and grow. Try replacing some of your normal carbohydrates and fats with protein to help better retain your muscles and strength.  Hopefully, when you get back in the gym, the added protein will have helped you lose less muscle than you would have during your hiatus.

Gym comeback after hiatus, tip 4 - Be cognizant of what you eat:

 When getting back into your gym routine, there is nothing worse than having to start over. And it will certainly feel like you are, if you packed on the pounds while you took your break. I can't stress this one enough, because I totally just did this to myself. With my routine change for the week I wasn't at the gym, I wasn't eating properly. And all the progress I made in the weeks earlier was lost. It may be hard, but do what you can to eat properly, or at least not go crazy. You aren't burning extra calories anymore, so consuming more than usual, and even the same amount as usual will pack on some weight.

Gym comeback after hiatus, tip 5 - Don't push too hard:

 When making a gym comeback after a hiatus, you also shouldn't push too hard. Yes, you still want a solid, tough workout. But don't expect to be able to lift the same weights, or run as long as you normally do. Your body needs time to get back to where it was. If you can reach the same weight, that is awesome! But if you can't, just push like you normally would and know that you will be back where you were in no time.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for anything that may happen to you as a result of following one of my editorials or comments. It is always recommended that you consult a doctor and nutritionist before trying something new.


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