HIIT for Fat Loss: How to Burn More Fat in Less Time

 It’s not a myth. You can boost your metabolism, and burn more fat and calories all while cutting your gym time in half. And how to do it is so simple. Use HIIT for Fat Loss.  In Thursday's article on Training for Fat Loss, we dove into two different types of workouts with the goal of fat loss in mind. In that article, HIIT was mentioned. So, for this article, I really wanted to dive into what HIIT is. And why HITT for fat loss works so well. 

What is HIIT?

 Firstly, HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It is a form of conditioning that alternates between extremely intense anaerobic activity and shorter, less intense recovery periods.  And, while commonly thought of as cardio, it doesn't have to be. In fact, weight lifting is also a form of HIIT. By lifting super heavy for shorter sets and reps, you are in fact, performing HIIT.

How does HIIT for fat loss work?

 The intense bursts of energy in a HIIT workout require more oxygen to maintain that level of effort. During this, our body depletes our oxygen stores so that we can perform said activity. This is the lactic acid build up, or the burning sensation that you feel in your muscles. During recovery, our body has to work even harder to restore the depleted oxygen, which can take up to 24 hours post-workout. This is called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, or EPOC. It's in this window of time, while our body is working extra hard to restore our oxygen stores, that our metabolic rate and calorie-burning ability increases substantially. Also keep in mind, that as we perform HIIT, our lean muscle is broken down, and it also takes extra energy for that muscle tissue to recover and grow.  

How do I know if I am performing HIIT for fat loss correctly?

 Let's put it this way, because it is probably the simplest way to do so. The Acronym HIIT literally means what it stands for. 'High Intensity' means 'muscles on fire, barely able to breathe, feel like you are unable to push any more' intensity. If your muscles aren't burning, and you aren't getting that lactic acid build up, then you aren't getting the most out of HIIT for fat loss. But don't worry! HIIT is only 10-20 minutes long at most. Plus, you are only feeling those muscles burn during the short bursts within that small window of time. It is totally doable! Yes, I am talking to you. You can do it! 

So, ...

 No more excuses when you say you don't have time to exercise. Even ten minutes of high intensity interval training can turn you into a fat burning machine, at least for the following 24 hours.  






Disclaimer: I am not responsible for anything that may happen to you as a result of following one of my editorials or comments. It is always recommended that you consult a doctor and nutritionist before trying something new.


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