8 Common Herbs and Spices That Help Burn Fat

 Looking for new ways to boost your metabolism and help burn fat without spending more money? Look no further. Below are eight common herbs and spices that help burn fat and can give you the edge you're looking for. And most of them will probably already be in your kitchen cabinets 

Let's dive right in.

1. Cinnamon

First on the list is cinnamon, because it is one of my favorites. I seriously love this spice.  And put it in everything, from desserts to more savory dishes. Aside from tasting delicious, cinnamon is loaded with health benefits. Firstly, it is loaded with antioxidants to boost your immune system. Also, it is a great spice for diabetics and those with digestion problems. It has anti-inflammatory properties, controls blood sugar, and improves insulin sensitivity. This in turn makes it easier for your body to burn fat.

2. Garlic

 Garlic is good for more than warding off more than vampires. It's known to lower the fats in your bloodstream. And, it's also a diuretic that can aid in fat loss. Be sure not to eat too much on a regular basis though. Otherwise you will literally start smelling like garlic. Yup, I have personally experienced this. Want to add more garlic to your diet? Try these lentil crackers or this keto garlic and herb bread.

3. Green Tea

Green tea is probably one of the most well known herbs for burning fat. But do you know why? The leaves from green tea come from the Camellia sinensis plant. This plant contains a compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) that creates a thermogenic effect, aiding in fat loss and boosting the metabolism. For burning fat, I drink green tea as part of my morning stack before a workout.

4. Turmeric

A trendy spice, although not on the list of my favorites, that is commonly found in Indian cuisine is Turmeric. Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin that decreased inflammation in fat cells, which in turn aids in fat burning.

5. Cayenne

 Another common spice that can help burn fat is Cayenne. Cayenne, and other peppers have an active ingredient called capsaicin. It is the capsaicin that causes the spice to be hot, and creates a thermogenic effect, thus boosting your metabolism and curbing your appetite. If you are looking for foods with lot of capsaicin, try these grilled jalapeños

6. Black Pepper

Much like capsaicin, black pepper has an active ingredient called Piperine that blocks the creation of new fat cells.

7. Cardamom

 Another spice found commonly in Indian cuisine is Cardamom. Cardamom reduces bloating, indigestion, and helps balance gut flora. And, it contains a fair amount of melatonin. While known commonly to help aid in sleep, melatonin also promotes fat loss and muscle gain.

8. Onions

Onions don't just flavor our food. They also contain numerous weight and fat loss benefits. It is rich in quercetin, an antioxidant that boosts metabolism of fats. It also provides a good source of chromium, that aids in insulin sensitivity.  Also, it has a lot of fiber and creates a thermogenic effect.  If you want to add more onions to your diet, be sure to check out this basic tomato sauce or this brussels sprout soup!  







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